
The Most Powerful 3:30...

John Shirey Sr
John Shirey Sr

Piney Flats, TN

The Most Powerful 3:30...

Many of us struggle to understand the events that occur in our lives and why they happen.

We may never know the answers to some of the questions we have, but it's important to recognize that life is full of unforseen circumstances and accept that we can't always have complete control over them.

That being said, have you ever struggled with trying to understand why God created you? Why He breathed you into existence and has allowed you to experience what you have experienced here on earth?

I mean, have you legitimately contemplated why God created you for right here and right now?

You ask yourself questions like: What's my purpose? Why was I given these parents? Why did I have to grow up in this place, in these circumstances, around these particular people?

For some people these questions can be very difficult to navigate because of their past experiences and the things they have gone through both good and bad.

For some, their experiences leave them wondering if God is even real at all, and if He is, why is He allowing certain things to happen?

One of the hardest lessons God has taught me in life about freewill is: