
The Top 3 Reasons Why the Church Struggles with Making Disciples

John Shirey Sr
John Shirey Sr

Piney Flats, TN

The Top 3 Reasons Why the Church Struggles with Making Disciples

We often overcomplicate the simplicity of everything.

Especially the gospel as it relates to making disciples.

We have both created and allowed false beliefs to become strongholds hindering our obedience to this command.

Jesus clearly tells the disciples the “what” of the gospel in the final words of Matthew’s writing 28:19-20. In the simplicity of His command, Jesus not only said go make disciples, He also gave the command to teach them all that He has taught us.

He gives them the “what” but not the “how”.

The how doesn’t come until right before Jesus returns to the Father in Acts 1:8 when He says, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you and you will be my witnesses.”

Two key components in the “how” are 100% reliance on the Holy Spirit, and witnessing or sharing with others what God has done in your life through both the good and bad times.

The church struggles making disciples because we have to break through the false beliefs associated with it, and build on the simple foundations Jesus laid out for us to obey.

Here are the Top 3 reasons the church struggles with making disciples